Some pictures from Iceland in our Involve me and I learn Day. Thanks to Birna Dís Björnsdóttir and the Iceland team.
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
Involve me & I learn DAY in Slovenia
Chronicle by Mateja Legan
On Friday, 27 November 2015, the students of 2.D class organized an event called 'Involve me & I learn DAY' at Gimnazija Vič. The students prepared 6 panels on each of the participating countries and 1 panel with the logo and name of the project. They also prepared a quiz about each country with some of the most common proverbs in different languages and some typical food. The event took place during the main break and there were a lot of students from other classes who came to see what was going on. The 2.D class students had badges with the I&L logo on them and were prepared to answer any questions connected with the project. We believe the event was a success, because everyone enjoyed - 2.D class students, other students and teachers.
We also prepared a short video and a selection of photos about the event. The panels are still on display in the school's main hall and are going to stay there until the end of the week.
What some of the students said:
I, as a presenter, had fun and I think so did the visitors to our stand.
Veronika B.
Veronika B.
I think it was great. The whole idea was great and so were the responses of the students who participated. I feel like everyone was eager to participate and gladly answered the questions even if they did not want to take their reward - something sweet. The teachers also liked it. Ana D. F.
I thought it was great and it was fun to see other students and teachers enjoying themselves. Rebeka T.
I think all of the participants were thrilled about the food and interesting questions, which were not too difficult but also not too easy. It was interesting to see how all of them started translating the proverbs from the same perspective and then at the end reached the same conclusion.
Janja Z.
Janja Z.
I think our event was interesting to all of the students, because there were a lot of them who stopped in the hall and participated. The idea turned out to be great, and it was nice to see the students stopping in front of and reading the information on the panels.
Ema M.
Ema M.
Personally, I enjoyed taking part in such an interesting presentation of our project. Everything was great and even better than I had expected.
Špela B.
Špela B.
Our presentation of the project was unique and everyone who was passing by could not resist the atmosphere, sweets and quizzes. According to the laughter and interest of students we can say without doubt that we managed to prepare a great event. The students, as well as teachers, had lots of fun!
Zarja B.
Zarja B.
We prepared a great event amongst other events that take place at our school on a daily basis. The food was definitively a plus. The guests/visitors will remember us because of the food, which was free but they still had to work for it J
Urban L. S.
Urban L. S.
Maruša P.
Sunday, 29 November 2015
I & L Day in the IES Mediterráneo
The day of our project began with a presentation by our leader Carmen Torres to the municipal authorities of the city and to the representatives of the parents of students. Later, high school students carried out various activities to diseminate the project Involve me & I Learn to students in basic courses of the school.
On 27th November 2015 our article about Involve Me and I Learn Day, the project and our visit to Iceland was published on the Slovenian portal SLOMEDIA.IT; the same article was published by Primorski dnevnik, the only Slovenian daily in Italy, on 10th January 2016.
Click HERE |
Our Involve Me & I Learn Day was a great day at Prešeren.
Boris, Alja and Barbara with a "little help of their friends" have arranged a very lively multimedia exhibition in the entrance hall, so that everybody in the school can visit it individually or in class groups. You are kindly invited to see it.
Thanks a lot for all the Trieste I&L Team.
All the students had the opportunity to watch presentations special made for this day, the videos that we made last year and they had made the maps of 6 countries in big panels, that will decorate the walls.
Thanks, Lela Golikidou and all the greek tream.
Tuesday, 17 November 2015
Involve me & I learn DISSEMINATION in Slovenia (June 2015)
At the beginning of June 2015 13 students
of our class went to their primary schools to tell the pupils there something
about our Involve me & I learn
project and to show them the video about our school.
We visited 5 primary schools in Ljubljana
and its vicinity and talked to approximately 330 pupils and 20 teachers. Before
having our presentations we had to get in touch with the principals of primary
schools to set the dates. We presented
the project to 8th grade pupils (the ones who will be leaving
primary school in a year’s time). The presentation lasted between 15 and 45
minutes, depending on pupils’ interest. We started the lesson with some
information about our project in general, we also showed them the project’s
website and blog, then we showed them the video we had made and at the end we
told them something about our school and answered their questions if there were
any. The teachers were really eager to know something more about our project; while
the feedback from pupils was different in every class - some of them had a lot
of questions and others just sat there silently.
Our opinion on the experience:
We had a great time at our primary school, because we saw our
teachers and we also got a snack J. The presentation of the project was easy, especially because we
knew a lot of the pupils and teachers. This was a great and valuable experience
for us. Ana and Jona
The project is an interesting topic, so it was fun presenting it.
Because we did not prepare any text in advance, we were a bit worried about
having the presentation and organizing it all, but soon realized it had all
been a waste of time - we were great at presenting it and really relaxed. The
teacher was thrilled at the end of our presentation, and so were some of the
students who asked us quite a lot of questions. Lea, Ela
and Julija
The presentation of the project was quite easy, probably because we
were relaxed and not nervous at all. At the end of every presentation (we had 4
of them in 4 different classes) we also got a round of applause. It was nice to
go back to primary school and say hello to our teachers and try being in their
shoes. Ema, Tinkara, Jan and Rok
We think the whole experience was a positive one and we are happy we
could gain some new experience in the field of teaching, because we had never
explained anything to people we had never seen before. It was also interesting to
see how different classes of students responded to our presentation. Janja and
Veronika C.
We were a bit nervous from the start, especially in the first class
we presented our project; but after doing it successfully for the first time,
it was really easy and we did it with a lot of self confidence in the next two
classes. Ilija and Gal
Tuesday, 6 October 2015
Monday, 5 October 2015
Saturday, 3 October 2015
A new and spectacular activity of dissemination of the project carried out by the Slovenian students, led by Mateja Legan.
Erasmus+ 3. mednarodno srečanje - Reykjavik
V okviru mednarodnega projekta Erasmus+ dijaki iz šestih Evropskih držav (Slovenije, Italije, Grčije, Španije, Finske in Islandije) spoznavamo šolske sisteme drugod po Evropi. Mednarodni sestanki profesorjev in dijakov v teh državah so organizirani kot mednarodna srečanja in izmenjave. V marcu 2015 so dijaki, ki sodelujejo v projektu obiskali Italijo in Slovenijo; v septembru 2015 pa smo se udeležili 3. mednarodnega srečanja, ki je potekalo na Islandiji.
Islandija je majhen otok sredi Atlantskega oceana z 320.000 prebivalci, s tem, da kar tretjina živi v prestolnici Reykjaviku in okolici mesta. Otok je nastal zaradi vulkanske aktivnosti in je eden izmed mlajših delov kopnega. Še danes je aktiven, kar lahko vidimo tudi po tem, da se obala otoka vsako leto premakne za kar 2 centimetra, videti pa je moč tudi mnogo aktivnih vulkanov in naravnih pojavov povezanih z vulkansko aktivnostjo.
V torek, 15. septembra, smo se dijakinje 2. D razreda Gimnazije Vič (Veronika, Ana, Zarja, Pia, Andreja, Ela in Jona) in profesorica angleščine Mateja Legan ob 2:45 z avtobusom odpravile proti letališču Marco Polo v Benetkah. Ob 7:05 smo imele enourni let proti Frankfurtu. Od tam smo po eni uri čakanja letele proti Reykjaviku.
Na Islandiji smo pristale okoli 12-ih po lokalnem času. Do mesta smo se z avtobusom zapeljale do glavne avtobusne postaje, kjer so nas pričakale naše družine gostiteljice.
Po nastanitvi je sledil sprehod po parku in obisk enega izmed lokalnih zunanjih kopališč. Kasneje, po vrnitvi h gostiteljem, smo imeli možnost ogleda aurore borealis, oziroma severnega sija, pri popolnoma jasnem nebu, kar je res nepozabna izkušnja.
V sredo dopoldne smo se udeležile spoznavnih iger v parku v Reykjaviku. Za kosilo smo dobili njihove tipične hot doge z vsemi njihovimi čudnimi polivkami in dodatki, med katerimi je tudi ocvrta čebula. Medtem ko smo se mi zabavali, so profesorji sestankovali in se dogovarjali o nadaljnjem delu na projektu. Nato naj bi sledilo gledanje kitov, ki je zaradi slabih razmer na morju odpadlo. To je potrlo mnogo dijakov, ki so se res veselili tega ogleda. Sestavili smo plan B. Najprej smo se sprehodili po centru Reykjavika, nato pa so Islandci organizirali piknik s sladkarijami.
Večer je potekal v lastni režiji.
V četrtek zgodaj zjutraj smo se zbrali v njihovi šoli, kjer smo čakali na avtobus, ki nas je peljal po poti 'The Golden Circle'.
Po dveh urah vožnje smo prispeli na prizorišče, kjer so snemali popularno serijo Game Of Thrones – mestu, kjer se razmikata evrazijska in severnoameriška tektonska plošča – Þingvellir. Tam smo se sprehodili preko razgibane in raznolike pokrajine. Vožnjo smo nadaljevali proti veličastnim gejzirjem v dolini Haukadalur, kjer smo imeli na voljo uro in pol časa, da si ogledamo pokrajino in naravne znamenitosti ter pojemo kosilo. Največji gejzir, po katerem so ti naravni pojavi dobili svoje ime (Geysir) izbruhne le še občasno; smo pa zato bili priča izbruhom nekoliko manjšega gejzirja, ki se pojavijo na vsakih 5 do 10 minut.
Naš zadnji postanek pa je bil ob veličastnem slapu Gullfoss, kar po islandsko pomeni »zlati slap«. Tam smo občudovali tudi mogočen ledenik, ki smo ga lahko videli na obzorju.
Po končanem ogledu smo se odpeljali nazaj v Reykjavik, kjer so nas že pričakali naši gostitelji, s katerimi smo se odpeljali do Modre Lagune - enega najbolj obiskanih kopališč na Islandiji. Tam smo uživali v termalnih vodah in zdravilni maski iz belega blata. Nekateri smo preizkusili tudi turško in finsko savno. Izkušnja je bila pozitivno sproščujoča. Od tam so nas gostitelji odpeljali na večerjo in domov.
V petek zjutraj smo prvo uro preživeli v šoli, kjer smo se udeležili pouka športne vzgoje. Šolska ura je trajala 40 minut. Po naporni rekreaciji smo imeli organiziran ogled mesta, kjer so nam vrstniki predstavili nekaj bolj znanih lokacij, med drugim njihovo slavno opero, ki se nahaja v mestnem pristanišču in moderno cerkev, ki je ena izmed najvišjih zgradb v Reykjaviku ter precej drugačna od cerkva, ki smo jih navajeni v Evropi. Na vsakem koraku smo lahko videli, da gre za mlado mesto (v primerjavi z mesti na naših tleh).
Po enournem premoru smo se vkrcali na ladjo in odpluli na odprto morje, kjer smo upali, da bomo videli kite. Sprva jih ni bilo, a po nekaj minutnem iskanju smo videli kita vrste Minke, ki smo ga lahko od časa do časa opazovali približno 20 minut. Kmalu smo naleteli še na skupino delfinov, ki so se nam kot nalašč razkazovali. Pri ladji so ostali kar nekaj časa; skoraj takoj po njihovem odhodu pa smo zopet videli kita vrste Minke (tokrat celo dva hkrati!). Celoten ogled je trajal približno 4 ure.
Večer se je odvijal v lastni režiji; večina nas je odšla po nakupih spominkov za domače.
Sobota se je v primerjavi z drugimi dnevi začela bolj pozno. Ob 9:30 so nas gostitelji pripeljali na avtobusno postajo, od koder smo se odpravili na letališče, ki je od mesta oddaljeno 50 minut vožnje. Proti Frankfurtu smo vzletele malo čez drugo uro in po štirih urah leta v Frankfurtu pristale ob osmih (časovna razlika med Islandijo in osrednjo Evropo je 2 uri). Tam smo imele nekaj časa prosto, nato pa smo se vkrcale na letalo proti Benetkam. Sledile so dobre tri ure vožnje s kombijem, tako da smo v Ljubljano prispele ob 2:30 zjutraj in tako zaključile naše popotovanje.
Mednarodno srečanje na Islandiji je bilo res edinstvena izkušnja, na kateri smo spoznale ljudi iz drugih držav, se z njimi zbližale ter sklepale nova prijateljstva in je nekaj, kar še dolgo ne bomo pozabile.
Za konec pa še nekaj panoramskih fotografij z Islandije.
Zapisale dijakinje 2.D: Veronika Bračič, Zarja Brajnik, Ana Dovžak Fritz, Ela Fleischman, Pia Kokelj, Andreja Širca in Jona Lara Šrajer Štravs.
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